Jellyfish season is here!

The jellyfish season has well and truly arrived in South East Queensland. This weekend the foreshore at Paradise Point was littered with hundreds of ‘Blue Blubber’ jellyfish which had been washed to shore with the tide. Whilst most of the jellyfish were dead it was still necessary to be cautious of stings.

The Blue Blubber (or Catostylus mosaicus) is a native species of jellyfish to Australia and most commonly found in the waters of southern Queensland. The Blue Blubbers can be found in the waters off Sydney and Victoria but their blue colouring is diluted to a white or brown colour due to the plant cells in the substance of their body.

As we saw today on the beach at Paradise Point, the Blue Blubbers move just below the surface of the water in dense swarms. Their sting is still painful but not to the extent of a blue bottle. An ice pack will be all that is needed. Sea lice were apparently a big problem today in the water also.

Days like today, the best way to be in the water is on a boat!